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This blog is intended for everyday people who want to grow in their Faith with Jesus.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Beauty of the Maker

I am blown away by the beauty of the Creator of the universe. God is powerful enough to set everything into motion, to put all things into the proper space. And yet, He is sensitive enough to love me for who I am. To me, this is the most most amazing thing about being a christian.

The church is a living, breathing, relational organism. But sometimes, we lose out on how we get to be cared for, by the Creator of the universe. How amazing is this? It is too much for me to comprehend. He loves me for who I am, in spite of who I am...and He continues to do that in spite of all the riduculous, stupid, and insanely selfish things that I do.

What is the reason for this...simple, really. It is called grace. Grace is the essence of why we exist as a a people. But the question that has been running through my mind for a couple of days, is "Do we shower others with the free gift that we have been given?"

Do we? Do we show others around us, that they matter too? Are we sensitive enough to be able to show everyone that we meet, that the Love of Christ was given for all? Such an amazing love, such an amazing gift, should be shown to the world. And this is the challenge that we have been given as the Body of Christ. We are supposed to show the Light to people around us.

We are to be Salt and Light in this crazy, messed up, perverse, beautiful, exotic, passionate world around us...

We can no longer hide our light...we must light it, shine it, share it...but most importantly we must shower it on others.

adam wyatt