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This blog is intended for everyday people who want to grow in their Faith with Jesus.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Glory of Creation

"You made him (man) lord over the works of Your hands;
you put everything under his feet"
Psalm 8:6
I was blown away in my quiet time today by this verse. I guess that I rarely look back on the story of creation, and why it is even important. But looking at this verse I realized something: God is way too generous...
We have all heard the story..."In the beginning God created..."
But after everything that God created He said that "It was good." Everything that God gave Adam and Eve was good. But after God created Man, God said "It was very good." Notice the difference...we are the peek of His creation. We are the best of His creation.
But David in this Psalm, realizes that God gave it all to Us! That is so amazing, a very difficult thing to even grasp. God gave perfection to Adam and Eve. Everything that they had was absolutely perfect; it couldn't get any better, than what they had.
What happened was: they screwed it up, they messed up perfection. And thousands of years later, we are still paying for it.
But I want us to realize that normally God gives us something that is perfect. Live. Love. Happiness. Laughter. Sex. Family. Energy. Breath. It is just that we tend to screw it all up, don't we?
We take something that is priceless, and distort it because in some weird way, we think that we can do it better. We think that our plan is so bigger, and better, and that we can make perfection better.
But the crazy thing that is what God gave us the ability to do. He gave us the world...gave it to us, ans said "Take care of it." I am convinced that is how we shold live our it out loud. Live it proud. But live it by dreaming big, big enough to keep it perfect.
God gave us so much in the past: Live, Love, Himself, Happiness, Eveything. And He gave us these things to enjoy, but He gave us a command to take care of it.
Do just that. Take care of your life. love. happiness. Embrace it, cherish it, take it. But always give the Maker of the Universe the glory. Let Him be Master and Lord of what ever it is that He has given you...only then will it remain the way He created it...perfect.