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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

5 Influential Christian Pastors - The Good

There are a lot of current Christian Pastors who are doing a great job of ministering to the culture in which they live.  These men have a love for Jesus, the Word, and a passion to reach their own community for Christ.  If one wanted to see what living boldly means, you can look at these ministers and see what their ministries are doing to influence their culture. 

5.  David Platt, Senior Pastor, The Church at Brook Hills (Birmingham, AL)

A very young pastor who is an incredibly gifted speaker.  I have heard him several times, and he preaches with passion.  His remarkable gift of quoting the Bible blows me away.  He preached one time quoting almost two chapters of Romans by heart.  This alone gets him on my list.  He is just 29 years old, but hold 2 Bachelor's Degrees, 2 Master's Degrees, and a Ph.D.  He is an absolute freak of nature when it comes to study.

4.  Tim Keller, Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church (New York)

Tim Keller is a Pastor who influences other Pastors.  He is a guy whose church plants other churches.  He church has planted around 100 other church in his city of New York.  He wants to see his city transformed by the power of the Gospel.  His impact in New York alone makes him one of the most important pastors in the United States, combine that with his influence on other pastors means that he makes a huge impact Globally.

3.  Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA) 

His Purpose Driven Life has sold over 20 million copies, making it one of the best selling books of all-time.  He founded Saddleback Church which is the largest church in California.  He has been featured on Larry King Live, numerous other publications, and is a featured speaker all over the world.  

At first I was skeptical about the man because I thought his Purpose Driven series distorted the Gospel because it never taught about sin.  He preaches about sin though, and his sermons are definitely powerful enough to change people's lives.  Also...he reverse-tithes, meaning he lives off of 10% while he tithes 90%...that is an incredible testimony about who he is.

2.  Mark Driscoll, Preaching and Theology Pastor, Mars Hill Church (Seattle, WA)

Mark Driscoll is my favorite preacher on the face of the planet.  He preaches with wit, passion, conviction, and he is not afraid to call people to repentance.  He is the founder of Mars Hill Church which is one of the fastest growing churches in America.  He is also the founder of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network.

He desires to see men lead the church, which has made him a target of feminists.  He wants to see churches plant other churches, which has made him a target of jealous church leaders.  He wants to see Jesus' name great in his community.  

He also is the founder of thersurgence which gives out free theological resources.

This guy is my personal favorite on the list but I think that he would agree with my number 1 (they are both great friends):

1.  John Piper, Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church (Minneapolis, MN)

Holy Smokes!  Piper is a prolific writer, incredible preacher, and a great pastor.  He loves the Lord, and has probably influenced as many people as Martin Luther (seriously!).  He has written over 30 books, with his most successful and influential book being Desiring God which still blows my mind everytime I "attempt" to read it.

This quote rocked my world and I still dont know what to do with it: 
"God is most Glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him"

There are other Pastors who should be mentioned, I am sure, but these men are a step above most other guys by the shear nature of their influence on other pastors.  They are gifted, and God is using them in a global way.