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This blog is intended for everyday people who want to grow in their Faith with Jesus.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am pumped at seeing God work in and around me.  It is so amazing to hear about churches baptizing people, and ministering to the people around them, and to just see people living out a radical faith.  

I hear stories of missionaries, pastors, teachers, men and women of God; stories of what God has done, stories of what they have seen and it makes me feel so inadequate.  I want to see God work through me, and around me, but sometimes I think that I am just in the way.  The Apostle Paul put it this way: "I must become less so that He might increase."

In order to see Jesus high and exalted, we must do all that we can to get out of the way and be a vessel for change.  In order to see Jesus move in the lives of the community around us, we must allow Him to do it with us.  

We need to be faithful...but we must always understand that it is Christ who works.  

It is Christ who saves.  

It is Christ to changes lives....

It is not us!  We are just jacked up sinners who have been shown Grace and Mercy through the love of Christ showered upon us by Jesus' death on the Cross.  

So I dream.  I dream of a community so radically changed by the power of the Gospel that all who encounter it fall down on their face in worship of the true Christ.  

I dream.  I dream of a radical revival of young people truly seeking the face of the Father which overflows into who they are.

I dream.  I dream of being obedient to the point that I can truly say that God is using me to be the instrument of change in my own circle of influence.

I dream.