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Monday, November 3, 2008

The Presidential Election and the Svereignty of God

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God
Romans 13:1
As I watch Monday Night football, unable to sleep, I read some from the book of Romans. I understand that we are on the eve of one of the most significant elections in the history of our country. Many people think that this election is a very dangerous one, especially the ones that "fear" Obama. I read Romans and I come to the understanding that no matter who becomes our President, God is still sitting on His throne.
Because God is a good God and He is sovereign we can rest assured that He will not be taken off guard. We need to vote, we need to vote for who we think will be the best leader for our country, but we also need to never put our trust in Governement. Our faith must always be in the One who bled upon the Cross for our sins. We must pray for our leaders no matter who they are, no matter if we agree with their stances, no matter if we like them. Romans tells us that God allows our leaders to sit in power, and because of that we must understand that it is always God who is in control.
I dont know how this election will turn out. I am concerned, though. Not because of the two men that are running but simply because our country is so far away from being the country that we need to be. I pray that America will be purged not of crooked politicans, but of the false Gospel that has corrupted her. I pray for leaders in the Church to step up to the plate and be who we have been called to be. I pray for Godly men to step up and lead. I pray for daddies to love and lead their children. I pray for husbands to lovingly lead and serve their wives.
A President will not lead America down the road to Hell, because we are already on it. A President has the ability to influence but they will only take us where we dont want to go if we sit back and let him.
Pray. Pray for the man who will be taking over. Pray that his heart will be directed toward Christ. But most importantly pray that we will be the world force for good that we need to be. Pray for the Church.