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Monday, February 16, 2009

Mark Driscoll and Crappy Christians

Mark Driscoll has been under a lot of criticism as of late:

Both of these articles spoke very negatively about Driscoll and his "vulgar" speech. Now, I admit Driscoll is very blunt, but most of these are refereing to Don Miller's book Blue Like Jazz which is not really a great theological book. In it Miller refers to Driscoll as the "cussing pastor." This was around 10 years ago when Driscoll was still a relatively new Christian. Obviously Christians, espescially pastors, need to refrain from unwholesome speech and talk...but 10 years ago is a long time.

Praise God, that I am not remembered for my past or my past sins. Grace showed up big in my life, and because of that I have freedom from them.

I am okay with people targeting people who preach the Gospel. Most Pastors or Ministers would agree that to serve Christ puts a bih bullseye on your back and because of that people will always be critizing you...that goes with the job. The problem that I have is when a Christian Publication totally assassinates the character of a Pastor who is sold out to Jesus and doing all that he can to change his culture for the sake of Christ. The SBC should be embarrassed that it published that it let someone write such a horrendous article.

Upon reading the article it is apparent that the "annonymous" writer had an agenda against Driscoll...

Ed Stetzer (from the SBC's Lifeway) upon speaking to Driscoll wrote a response to the whole situation in his blog. Stetzer and Driscoll are friends and Stetzer admits to criticizing Driscoll's language. Now Driscoll has repented publically...that means that biblically we should forgive him and move on.

Now on a positive note...Driscoll has also had a great amount of positive publicity from the secular press:" type="text/javascript">

Driscoll is possibly the voice of the current generation...and he is apparently paying the price for it, but it shouldnt come from Christians...its a shame that the secular press seems to like him more than his Christian counterparts...maybe that is why is making a difference.