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This blog is intended for everyday people who want to grow in their Faith with Jesus.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Making Our Light Shine in the Darkness

"If you offer yourself to the hungry, and to satisfy the afflicted one, then your
light will shine in the darkness, and your night will be like a noonday."
Isaiah 58:10 (HCSB)
Over the last couple of weeks I have been gearing up for a Discipleship weekend with my youth group at the church where I serve. And I have been studying Matthew 5:13-16 (The passage about Salt and Light). As I have been looking at these passages I realize that in order for us to let our light shine, or to let the Father shine through us, we must be willing to do...
We must be willing to serve.
We must be willing to love.
We must be willing to show compassion.
We must meet people's needs.
The reason that the churcch has missed so many opportunities to make a difference is that instead of helping others, we have condemned them in the name of Jesus Christ! We fail to help othes. We dont love others the way that we were commanded to...the way that He loved us. We dont go the extra mile for people around us, and that makes our message weak.
I feel that in order for us to truly be a people that wants to worship God the Father, we must be willing to put aside our pride, and reach out to the people around us in order to minister to them. Why? Because as the prophet Isaiah said "Offer yourself to the hungry...satisfy the afflicted...then your light will shine."
Do we truly want to reach the world for Christ? If we do, we must start by letting others know that we care for them. If we allow ourselves to be humbled for the sake and cause of Christ, we will begin to shine a light in a very dark, cold world; a world that so desperatly needs to see something positive, and meaningful!
Dare to be different, dare to be humble, dare to shine a light...