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This blog is intended for everyday people who want to grow in their Faith with Jesus.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Do we trust Him?

Over th epast couple of months I have suffered from intense back pain. And upon going to the doctor, I have been diagnosed with a ruptured disk in my back, which is pressing upon some nerves which in turn is causing tremendous amounts of pain. As a result I will be having surgery tomorrow to remove the disk.

Now, it is not a serious surgery, but I cannot help but feel a little anxious because I really do not want to have surgery. But without it, I will have to deal with this pain. Now, the pain is incredible, so the question is: what do I do?

Is it not the same in all of our lives? We sit with something on our mind, or we wonder why our life stinks. We sit back and question God...cry out to God? We are often faced with uncertainties, and certain things that will cause us hurt, and pain, and grief.

While contemplating this surgery, God handed me a revelation about my life...

You see I am suffering with an intense pain and burden, but I am so scared about what the remedy is...I want to feel better, I just dont want to go through the surgery.

The same is true in our own lives...

We want to get better...we just dont want to: Give up the what-ever, stop the sin, let go of doubt, or let go of the past. Because we know that when we let go of whatever it is that is holding us back, we are weak. We are vulnerable. We are naked.

But only then, will we be able to heal, to get better, to get over our past. We must allow the Father to heal our hurts, bandage our wounds. We must allow ourselves to be naked before Him, in order for Him to truly give us what we need...

So tomorrow I will be having surgery. After I will have a few months of recovery, and rest...but most importantly I will be recieving healing.

May you too, give up some of yourself to recieve that special touch that comes directly from the Maker of Heaven and Earth. May you accept the glorious gift of God Himself, and may that specialness spread out to all that are around you.
