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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Dirty Dishes

"Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and evil. Fools! Didn't He who made the outside make the inside too? "
Luke 11:39,40
It seems as if there are a lot of dirty dishes within the church today. The church is infested with the Pharisee-like religion mongers, who claim to have geniuine faith, but are so corrupted that they make no difference within the world that they live in.
The Pharisees that Jesus talked about, where so fake, and callous and Jesus called them out on it. He pointed the finger in their face, and told them that they were in the wrong. What of the church of 2007? What about us? Where to do we fit in? Here in the Deep South, everyone goes to church, and everyone "believes" in Jesus.
We are just like the Pharisees. We have cleaned the outside of the cup, but the inside is filthy, rotten to the core. We are just a bunch of dirty dishes. But are we satisfied being this way? Do we even know what is on the inside? It seems to me, that we have neglected the hard commands of Jesus. "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Take up your cross, and follow me." "Love others, just as I have loved you."
We get so dressed up on Sunday. We put on our Sunday best, spray on some foo-foo juice to smell good, and a big smile. Then we get to sit in church and wallow around in our own self-righteousness. And for what? To have the outside of our cup look good.
But inside is a dirty dish. We must clean the inside of our life in order to be all that the Father wants us to be. We must be willing to let ourselves be naked, vulneravble, open to the Maker. And when we do, we will find ourselves clean, spotless, beautiful. We will find that we are no longer worthless, dirty dishes...instead we will be the fine china that is saved for the special occasion.
Lord, allow us to be who you have called us to be...allow us to be clean- on the outside...but more importantly...the inside.